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Durable Power of Attorney

Financial Management

Axis Fiduciary understands every client matures at different rates in the varying aspects of their life. Oftentimes, clients need directed support in certain areas while demanding independence in others. Honoring the right of personal independence, we provide professional fiduciary services for certain aspects of your life. For those who continue to excel in daily living management yet find it prudent to have professional assistance for the simpler financial demands, we offer our services as your assigned durable power of attorney for financial matters.

Assign a private professional fiduciary with a proven reputation for integrity, stewardship, and loyalty to oversee your daily financial matters. This affords furthering your independence while maintaining distance from fraud, extortion or exorbitant fees charged by attorneys, accountants, or financial institutions. Recognizing these professional’s role in more complex matters of your wealth profile, we comply with their professional directives while maintaining allegiance to your expressed requests, working together on your behalf.

Axis Fiduciary employs a three-pronged approach to successful financial oversight: comprehensive understanding of historical spending behaviors, proven budgeting software specific to the fiduciary industry and constant communication with our client’s and their established team of professionals. With this approach, you are protected and supported freeing you to enjoy more hours of your day on more joyous activities.

Durable Power of Attorney

Health Care

Appointing an agent to advocate your important health and longevity decisions is a sobering effort.

At Axis Fiduciary we respect the seriousness of these decisions. We tightly adhere to our client’s most thoughtfully curated choices. Working in unison with you, we learn every aspect of your advanced health care directive. Highly skilled in medical record review and interpretation, we memorize your specific health profile and marry that understanding to your expressed end-of-life intentions. In short we mirror your intentions when you are unable; yet simultaneously protect your right to express your needs independently when you can.

Having an advocate by your side at crucial moments in your medical journey assuages fear, anxiety stemming from lack of control, all obstacles to peaceful recovery. With Axis Fiduciary as your durable power of attorney for health care decisions, you are guaranteed control of your health care plan to the very end. We are exact and undeterred as representatives for your health.

Trust Administration

Trusts are guides to shepherding the assets a client has built over their lifetime. It is the culmination of a lifetime of sacrifices and successes. At Axis Fiduciary , we believe the Trust holds your life’s work. It directs the administrator with precision and complexity to ensure the Settlor’s final phases of life are orchestrated just as intended.

Axis Fiduciary honors our client’s dignity. We further their ardent efforts by continuing the journey just as they planned. We do this by unifying the client’s trusted advisors, adhering to the specific instruction and intention of the Trust directives, and protecting the clients from interfering impediments. We are decent, honest, principled, and scrupulous in our responsibilities. “Trust” demands serious commitment. To earn your trust incorruptibility, loyalty and respectability must always be exemplified within our fiduciary role.

At Axis Fiduciary, we herald our client’s for demanding integrity, character, and reliability. Selecting your private professional fiduciary is the one of the last big decisions left to make. To choose wisely is to choose Axis Fiduciary.

“Where I was born and where and how I have lived is unimportant. It is what I have done with where I have been that should be of interest.”

Georgia O'Keeffe (1976)

For women (and men) who do not have generational support, retaining a private professional fiduciary alleviates the uncertainty and instability solo agers often feel in their final years.

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